
Сообщения за октябрь, 2012

How to tell time like an American

Published on  Oct 30, 2012  by  philochko https://www.facebook.com/EnglishIF  - Learn english on FB http://www.facebook.com/drphilochko  - Philochko's FB http://www.vk.com/English_is_fun  - Learn english on Vk http://www.vk.com/Philochko  - Philochko on VK Category: Film & Animation License: Standard YouTube License

Abandoned Farm Animals At Edgar's Mission, Kilmore, Australia

Andrey Katashev Abandoned Farm Animals At Edgar's Mission, Kilmore, Australia - 05 Oct 2012...Mandatory Credit: Photo by Robert Leeson/Newspix / Rex Features (1909044b) 'Lizzie' the lamb, 'Portia' the piglet and 'Boots' the goat at Edgar's Mission Farm Sanctuary near Kilmore, Victoria where they are recovering after each had been found abandoned. Abandoned Farm Animals At Edgar's Mission, Kilmore, Australia - 05 Oct 2012 This unusual trio have become firm friends after all being found abandoned. They may be of different species but Lizzie the lamb, Portia the piglet and Boots the goat are now family. Each was found abandoned and alone - Lizzie was just hours old when she was rescued from the side of a busy road. But the three are now thriving at Edgar's Mission Farm Sanctuary in Kilmore, Australia. According to Farm director Pam Ahern, people are often kind to their pets, but neglect to consider the welfare of farm animals like Lizz...

Young Rival - Two Reasons

Published on  Oct 18, 2012  by  YoungRival Download this whole album (PWYC):  http://youngrival.bandcamp.com Featuring James Kuhn:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/hawhawjames Pre-order the limited edition vinyl here:  http://www.youngrival.com/merch/ The story behind this video (READ BELOW): The band discovered the blog of Michigan artist James Kuhn via reddit in the Fall of 2011. They e-mailed him to ask if he'd be willing to collaborate on a music video, and he said yes. The band was physically mailed CDs over the few months that contained 25 videos of lip-synched performances by Kuhn, which they edited into the final video. "Two Reasons" is a track from Young Rival's new album, due out October 23 2012. Big thanks to James for his time, talent, and energy. Follow Young Rival on Twitter @YoungRival Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/pages/YOUNG-RIVAL/23139600352 More music available here: http://app.topspin.net/store/sonicunyon.spinshop...

Alien Planet "Full Documentary"

Uploaded by  MrSaunders2020  on  Apr 30, 2011 Storyline The CGI or computer animated drama/documentary takes place on Darwin IV, a planet 6.5 light years from earth, with 2 suns and 60% of Earth's gravity. Having identified Darwin as a world that could support life, Earth sends a pilot mission consisting of the Mothership Von Braun and three probes: Balboa, Da Vinci, and Newton. This robotic fleet is responsible for finding and assessing any life forms on Darwin IV. Initially, the expectation is to find microscopic life, but the probes soon find themselves in the middle of a developed ecosystem teeming with diversity of life of all sizes. The drama on Darwin IV is motivated by real science missions, such as the NASA Origins Program and the NASA / JPL Planet-Finder Mission, as well as the European Space Agency's Darwin Project. "Alien Planet " is a cosmic expedition along side Stephen Hawking, Michio Kaku, Jack Horner, Craig Venter, and George Lucas... Cat...

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Hermes—God of Translators and Interpreters

to home Hermes—God of Translators and Interpreters The Origins of Language and the Prehistory of Interpreting A historical inquiry into the earliest days of interpreting, demonstrating how they provide a window onto both the "prehistory" of translation and the origins of language. Paper presented at the Translation2000 Conference, sponsored by the NYU Translation Studies Program in March of that year and presented again in October in Mexico City at the Universidad Iberoamericana as part of their Jornadas Jeronimianas   . to home Three - Sentence Précis of Paper: The ancient Greek word for interpreter/translator is  Hermêneus , directly related to the name of the god Hermes. Its many further meanings—mediator, go-between, deal-broker, marriage-broker—open up a window onto the work of interpreters during prehistory. And the knowledge that we gain of this prehistory thanks to these meanings provides an additional window opening onto the origins of...

Personalперсональный: Efterklang

Personalперсональный: Efterklang :  Efterklang

Red Silk Fabric Texture 3

Red Silk Fabric Texture 3 by  ` FantasyStock Please link back to ` FantasyStock  if you use this texture photo, and please  [note]  me. Thanks!! For more stockphotos, textures, stockart & rules, you can look here:  [link]

The Croods - Theatrical Trailer (HD)



Магнетическая Руна. Обратимая Руна. Скот. Собственность. Богатство. Благополучие. Владение. Одна из самых важных магических Рун - "Руна удачи". Символизирует встречу счастливой любви, исполнение желаний. Графическое начертание Руны Феу напоминает лосиные рога. В гадании указывает на приходящее к Вам процветание или на открывающиеся шансы. Достижение цели. Руна дает понять, что близится восход солнца. В раскладе на любовь: если Феу выпала на первом месте - Вы сделаете все, чтобы сохранить свои чувства и свою семью, на втором месте - скоро Вас захватит новое чувство. В вопросах бизнеса говорит о том, что предприятие или проект будет успешным и принесет хорошие деньги. Наслаждайтесь успехом, но не забывайте благодарить Судьбу и делиться счастьем с окружающими. Применение Руны Феу связано главным образом с материальными ценностями. В магии используется для: - роста благосостояния; - защиты ценностей;...

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Хватит сидеть в коробке! Вылезай! +79119193657 Для школьников 10 - 11 классов, студентов и всех желающих эффективно и быстро овладеть навыками разговорного английского языка для улучшения грамматики, успешного прохождения тестов, общения с носителями и развития навыков беглой разговорной речи.