
Сообщения за январь, 2013

Просто люди

Они наши соседи ,родители, друзья. Они живут рядом с нами, на первый взгляд обычные, простые люди. Война и Мир -- горожане вспоминают Блокаду и первые послевоенные годы, фильм по авторским материалам журналиста А. Гайнанова, собранным за последние 5 лет.  Фильм был смонтирован 3 года назад, в рамках проекта ФМТВ, многих участников нашей видео - летописи уже нет в живых. ВЕЧНАЯ ПАМЯТЬ! They are our neighbors, parents, friends.  They are living near by.  At first glance they are ordinary, simple people. War and Peace -- citizens recall The Siege and the first postwar years. This film is based on the author's A. Gaynanov materials collected over the past 5 years. The film was installed 3 years ago, as part of FMTV project. Many participants of these videos and chronicles have died by now. Eternal Memory!

"Sputnik of life" by New Composers & our friends - on this Planet - 1990-92


This Mortal Coil-Song to the siren-lyrics..wmv


Alexey Kushnarenko Google Search Results

В ответ на традиционный вопрос ФБ: "Как вы себя чувствуете, Alexey?" решил поискать себя в гугле - вот, нашёл такую версию.  Мне нравится!

Personalперсональный: OurНашаCatКошкаLizaЛиза

Personalперсональный: OurНашаCatКошкаLizaЛиза : Dear friends! Our beloved cat Liza died today at 8.44 ... Дорогие друзья! Наша любимая кошка Лиза умерла сегодня в 8.44...

In 5 Years Movie

In 5 Years Movie : Here is what I know to be true...brbrIf you are willing to start working on yourself, never give up on the pursuit of your dreams and make the most of the moments you've been given...You WILL accomplish extraordinary things in a very short amount of time.brbrAnd to prove it...I'd like you to watch today's video and see how much you can get done when you put your mind to it.

The Best of Success Movie

The Best of Success Movie : Success! A magical word indeed, but what exactly is it? A onetime thing, like hitting a home run, scoring a touch down or winning a game? Is it a destination? Or a journey? Is there a fixed, clearly marked place called "Success" Or does it Vary from individual to individual?

EFTERKLANG - SEDNA - official video


Happy New Year!
